Summer BBQ Bash & Street Fair on June 7th
December 20, 2024

Because Summit Family Dentistry truly appreciates our patients, we try to celebrate them any chance we get. To say "thank you" to our terrific dental family, we are throwing a Summer BBQ Bash & Street Fair for you and your family. It would make our day to see each one of you there! Read on to learn about this thrilling start to summer.
Kick Off the Summer with Summit Family Dentistry
Our Summit Family Dentistry team has been working hard to make this a fun and memorable event. We'll have live music and local food that is fresh and delicious. In addition to good food and music, we'll have bounce houses for kids and teens, a variety of games and activities for all ages, and raffles with great prizes. We love summertime, and we'd be delighted to spend the evening with you. Moreover, we have some exciting news to share with our dental family at the party–you won't want to miss our very special announcement!
5915 S Zang Street
Friday, June 7th from 6pm-8m
Preferably by Friday, May 31st here
If you have questions about this fabulous event, please reach out to our office–a member of our smile team will be happy to give you more information. Remember to RSVP!
Schedule Your Summer Checkup
If you are unable to join us at our Summer BBQ Bash, don't forget to schedule an appointment to come see us another time this summer. Summit Family Dentistry is open from 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM each day from Monday to Friday. We encourage you to visit us for a checkup and cleaning every six months to ensure that your smile is in tip-top condition. Our team can provide you and your family with high-quality dental care as you tell us about all the fantastic things you have planned for the summer!
Healthier Mouths, Healthier Lives
Ready to take control of your dental health? Book your first visit at Summit Family Dentistry now.